Monday, September 5, 2011

Call it whatever you like....

Since I have been young, I have always wanted to be great; always wanted to be many things. I am like a lot of women out there but not exactly. I see a lot of women give up their dreams for so many reasons which may be reasonable or not but that is not the point. We all have in each of us a uniqueness that no one else has and that is what makes us different. I do what I do because I want to do it and not because I have to do it. I live my life how I want to, making my own decisions and accepting the consequences. You may call it arrogance but I call it confidence; self belief. Giving up a dream just to please someone or because the “society” where I come from will be more comfortable with it is not an excuse. It is time to put your foot down and focus yourself. This message goes out to all the unique ladies who are afraid to come out from their shadows. You may find it worthwhile to pay attention to the inner voice inside you. I may not accomplish everything I have set out to accomplish in life but then, I will be at peace knowing that I tried and not wondering what if I had tried. Come on WOMAN what is standing between you and your dreams?

But then again, the sad thing is that we have forgotten how to dream. Keeping up with new trend in fashion and knowing “what’s up” is now the definition of living, when in truth we barely exist.  Nobody has the time to think anymore. Like Henry Ford said “thinking is the hardest part there is and that is why so many people do not engage in it”. It is time to take a break and think of what we can do to make the world a better place. It could be through music, fashion but whatever it is, do not forget to do it with passion.

With everything said we must still bear our priorities in mind. In achieving your aim, in reaching your goals do you compromise those priorities? The bridge you burn today can you rebuild tomorrow? This particular topic may seem confusing to many people but the lesson lies beneath the lines. The truth you’ll find between the gaps. Yet, the wisdom remains in balancing things!!!



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